You get way too much email and it’s distracting you from other important work that needs to get done. The average person in corporate America spends more than 5 hours a day on email. That’s over 25 hours a week (not accounting for the time people check email on weekends which admittedly most of us do). When you don’t get your email under control, it leads to staying late at the office, taking work home on the weekends, and lots of stress.
That’s valuable time taken away from you of other important things. We like to say that life is to be enjoyed outside of your inbox. No one ever got more successful and happier by spending more time in their email inbox.
We want you to win back time and use that time for things that matter to you. Whether it’s spending time with family, furthering your education, studying for a certification, or time for yourself - this is now possible.
Optimize Outlook is a simple video course to help you set up Outlook and give you a proven email workflow that will save you time on dealing with email. This is done through the automated workflows that we’ve developed for private coaching clients that are now available inside this course.
When you enroll today, you’ll get access to automation workflows that will allow you to deal with emails in 45 minutes a day or less (even if you get over a hundred emails a day). We’ve designed this online course to be simple and actionable. You will also get access to our support team that will personally help you set up your Outlook app whenever you get stuck.
If you spend more than an hour a day on email, Optimize Outlook is here to help you win back time and get email under control.